Sunday, October 21, 2012

Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels!

I swear, they taunt me, they haunt me and I just want to get them!  Lorna caught me having a fit over this one particular squirrel who frequents my backyard.  I really gave him a piece of my mind as we "duel" it out.  Check it out!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Puppy Playdate

What can I say?  I'm a laaaaaaadies man.  I love them young, my age, older - any shape and size.  I'm an equal opportunity employer, as they say.  No, but seriously, I love playing with other dogs.  It's so much fun!  Here I am with one of my many girlfriends of the world - Ms. Norma Jean.  We're actually (hee, hee) having a slumber party tonight.  Don't worry, I'm behaving.  I have to.  Sigh.

Click here to watch!  (having problems embedding the video) Besides, "I'd do it myself but I don't have thumbs!"

I'm Cute!

There's really not much to say.  I'm just cute and I know it.  Don't you want to play with me?

Traveling Man

My oh my, where has the time gone?  I'm all grown-up now.  Well, I just turned one on the 4th of July and I celebrated it in Birmingham at Lorna's Mum's Lake House.  Whew, that was a lot to say for a little guy.  I loved it there so much as I got to play with a fun poodle mixed babe called Lucy.  She was a bit older than me but we had a lot of fun playing around and she gave me all of her toys.  How sweet is that!  Here I am giving her a big hug.  Well, maybe I had other intentions but this is how I showed my love for her.

I'm a great traveller as I got a new Sherpa bag.  I outgrew my last fancy bag from Canine Styles, which Lorna wasn't too happy about but what can you do?  I'm a growing dude, right?  Don't I look cool?

And here I am taking in the sunset at Smith Lake.  Nighty night, y'all!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sir Humps A Lot

Ok, fine, perhaps the reason I've been so quiet is because well, I've been busy. Ha, more like getting busy. I'm in my prime people so cut me some slack. What do you expect from an eight month-old who hasn't been fixed yet? Well, if you must - have a look. (Remember - this is a judge-free zone.)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Bow-Wow New Year!

Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! It's been too long with my updates but what can I say. I've been a traveling mutt! I spent Thanksgiving in the suburbs of Houston called The Woodlands. There are tons of bike paths in the area that Lorna's parents live in and I even kept up with Lorna on a three-mile job. We even ran into some big white bird called an egret, I believe? I think the most exciting part was when I learned how to play Scrabble. It was tough, and well, if you look below, my tiles were horrible.

So, this is the one I chose...!

And in the end, I lost. But it was fun to learn! It pretty much wore me out as you can see.